Day of Fasting and Prayer for Spain Guide 4
Here are some testimonies of God’s work that we hope can help you to pray and fast for the work of God’s Kingdom in this Nation.
Praying for a Disciple Making Movements and Church Planting Movements among Spaniards
WePray4Spain is a community of believers who are passionate about God’s work in Spain. We hope to mobilize prayer in and out of Spain for this nation. Together we can ask God to move the hearts of the people in Spain.
In almost every DMM / CPM that has been observed, these 10 elements are present. Download this guide to pray for each of them.
Are you familiar with the prayer wheel? Use this tool to guide you through 12 areas of prayer over the course of 60 minutes.
Since we know that “our fight is not against flesh & blood”, help us to pray against these 5 strongholds in which normally we find some opposition
Use this handy guide as you pray for the cities in Spain. It helps us to understand, know, and encourage others.
Here are some testimonies of God’s work that we hope can help you to pray and fast for the work of God’s Kingdom in this Nation.
We believe that as we fast and pray together, we are moving things in the spiritual realm. We will use a tool call SOAPS and Isaiah 55 during this time.
A fasting day with three calls during the day using the book of Isaiah as a guide to meditate in the Scripture and worship.