Here are some testimonies of God’s work that we hope can help you to pray and fast for the work of God’s Kingdom in this Nation.
Focus No. 1: Sharing the way of Jesus. Bible Passage: John 4

Prayer Points:
- Pray that we would find more people of peace online who want to read the Bible and know the way to Jesus.
- Pray that these people of peace would be quick and eager to share with other people, just like the lady from the Story.
Focus No. 2: Sharing the Word of God. Bible Passage: Acts 17:11-12
Prayer Points:
- Pray that the people of Spain would be hungry for the Word of God.
- Pray that these people of peace would be quick and eager to share with other people, just like the lady from the Story.

Focus No. 3: Lifting up leaders. Bible Passage: Ephesians 4:11-16

Prayer Points:
- Pray for more Spanish leaders who make other disciples and plant churches in the unreached regions of Spain.
- Pray that the Lord would raise up national leaders and multiple the taskforce of Spanish leaders desiring to reach Spain.
Focus No. 4: Equipping Seekers. Bible Passage: Psalms 1
Prayer Points:
- That people would be able to actually read God’s Word, know what it says, and apply it to their lives.
- That Spaniards would learn to pray and have a living, direct, and intimate relationship with the Lord. May the fruit they bear give witness to being His disciples.

Focus No. 5: Extending the Kingdom. Bible Passage: John 14: 15, 23-26

Prayer Points:
- That the chains of pride and tradition would be broken so that Spaniards can walk in the freedom Christ offers.
- That Spaniards would show that they love the Lord by doing what He commands.
Focus No. 6: Encouraging Believers. Bible Passage: Colossians 1:1-17
Prayer Points:
- Pray that new believers would live lives of faith and hope based on the promises of the Word of God and on the reality of Christ.
- Pray that Spaniards might find and live in their new identity in Christ.

Thank you for your prayers and for partnering in God’s work in Spain.